M&A Due Diligence
Tax Due Diligence Throughout the M&A Process
If you work in the M&A or Private Equity space, we can help add value every time you work on a deal. Tax due diligence typically relies upon identifying the low-hanging fruit items on tax returns. With the sheer volume of specialty tax credits and incentives available to businesses, there is so much more to consider. With the IRS' cries of fraud in ERC and creating an annual moving target for R&D tax credits, it has become imperative to have a specialist step in during tax due diligence.
Probity Tax Recovery's diligence reporting is an integral part of tax due diligence during a buy/sell event or Private Equity investment. Our findings are important in many ways, including:
Increase valuation by identifying unclaimed tax credits and tax credit carry forwards.
Identify tax issues that would materially impact the size or structure of a deal.
Become part of the data room for buyer and seller reference.
Can be relied upon when insuring appliable tax privisions.
Get us involved after the NDA but before the LOI.