Women’s History Month: Past, Present, and Future
Probity Tax Recovery is fortunate to have a group of talented women on our team. Each one adds something unique to our firm through their different backgrounds and life experiences. We’ve found that having women in different levels of management enables us to approach our work in new ways and make thoughtful decisions. Together, we are stronger and more successful because of them. This month the women of our firm came together to share their experiences in the workplace and what Women’s History Month represents to them.
Latinas Breaking Barriers in the Workplace
Latin American Women make up 16% of women in the workforce. As this percentage increases, financial literacy will continue to be important; especially when it comes to closing the wage gap between Latinas and white men. Our Administrative Assistant, Kat shares her experience as a first-generation Salvadoran-American and what she hopes to pass along to other women.
Kat: I was raised by a single parent who has worked all her life as a custodian at the institution I graduated from. As a Salvadoran-American Latina, I grew up with the mindset that there was never enough. Finances, savings, and investments were not common in my family’s conversations. I believe for many immigrants it’s the norm to tirelessly work low-wage jobs and hardly break through the systems we're expected to live by. It’s hard to overcome the barriers we face. Since I started working at Probity I have to say I’ve felt empowered to become more financially aware. At a time where Latinas are earning less than the average white male, I hope my growth and actions now and in the future can empower other women to grow generational wealth and become leaders.
Our Director of Quality, Geli shares the struggles and triumphs she’s experienced through her career and her hope for younger women that are coming up.
Geli: I was raised in a rural area where Hispanic girls were often expected to take a low-wage service job or start raising families soon after high school. I often felt out of place among the whiter and more affluent students in my honors classes, and when I started my career in tax consulting at 22, my Imposter Syndrome kicked into high gear. Just as when I was in school, I quickly learned I had to be twice as good to be taken half as seriously as my male peers in the older, white-male-dominated world of technology and financial services. Over time, I developed strategies to quickly establish credibility with CEOs and engineers who were not inclined to believe that the young woman in front of them was qualified to put numbers on their tax return, but in the process I internalized the idea that I was never allowed to make a single mistake, or it would all come crashing down. My hope for the younger women that come after me is that they can grow and thrive in their careers without that extra burden.
Older Women Teaching Younger Women
Oftentimes, mothers, aunts, and older sisters are the first examples young girls have of what is possible as a woman. As they grow up, they’re able to shape their views on what they want to be from them. Our Marketing Manager, Boma, and our Tax Policy Analyst Olivia share how the women in their lives have impacted their views on womanhood and career growth.
Olivia: Reflecting upon all of the important women in my life, I think firstly of my mother. Growing up I was fortunate enough to have a working mother show me the value of a steadfast work ethic. Over the years, I have been inspired by her tenacity and ability to show compassion and remain rooted in her morals as she faces adversity while climbing the corporate ladder. She has inspired me with her ability to raise two daughters (my sister and I) while continuously growing professionally and showing tremendous and empathetic leadership with her team.
Secondly, I think of my sister who also helped raise me. Watching my sister navigate pursuing a Master’s in Bioinformatics while thriving professionally inspired me to pursue a Master’s degree of my own. Listening to how she navigates advisory in the workplace with such persistence and always finding a way to make things work is truly admirable.
As I come into my own as a young professional, I do my best to maintain their level of empathy for others, moral standing, and work ethic in everything I do at Probity. The individuals and women who work at Probity Tax Recovery help make this an easy feat!
Boma: I grew up surrounded by strong, powerful, and passionate women. My mom and her friends showed me through their words and actions that being a woman was something to be proud of. They showed me that I could do anything I set my mind to. Seeing Black women walking tall, taking care of their families, and still accomplishing their personal goals gave me confidence that I will be able to achieve whatever I set my mind to no matter what season of life I’m in. I’m encouraged by the women at Probity that reinforce that message I learned growing up. The way they balance their families and careers shows me it is indeed possible when you are in an environment that supports you and helps you along the way.
Working Mothers Setting Examples
Working Moms wear many hats. Along with excelling in their career, they play such a crucial role in raising their children and encouraging them to believe in themselves and their abilities. Our Senior Consulting Manager, Aimee shares her hopes for the future and what she will teach her daughter as she grows up.
Aimee: Reflecting on Women’s History Month, I can’t help but think of my daughter and the world around us. I can’t help but imagine who she is going to be and what she is going to achieve and undoubtedly overcome. What can I do to help her? I’m going to tell her she can change the world because she can. I’m going to tell her she can be whoever and whatever she wants to be because she can. I’m going to tell her all of the encouraging and (sometimes) frustrating truths that my mom told me. Truths that opened my eyes, my heart, and my mind. I’m going to make sure that she knows without a doubt how strong she is. How capable she is. How loved she is. Not just in March, but every day.
Looking Forward
As our company grows, we will continue to seek out new ways to support the women in our firm. Whether it is professional development opportunities or support in motherhood; we see it as a privilege to be a part of their career. Women’s History Month isn't just a celebration of the past. It’s a celebration of the present and future too. We celebrate Aimee, Kat, Boma, and Olivia this month and every month!